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School will resume on Monday

Dear Parents and Caregivers

We were very pleased to hear the Prime Minister’s announcement that Auckland is moving to Level 2 on Sunday, and we are looking forward to welcoming students back to school on Monday. Thank you again to families to have supported students with their learning over the past week.

As we return to school, we will follow the same protocols that we have used previously at Level 2, with hand sanitiser available, regular cleaning of surfaces, separate desks, and no large assemblies. School photographs are scheduled for this week, and we will postpone some of the larger group photos.

Teaching, learning and assessments will return to ‘normal’ as soon as possible next week, and teachers will work closely with students to make sure they are well supported and fully informed about important deadlines. Sport and other school activities will be re-starting quickly, including water polo on Sunday. Students should look at the Daily Notices carefully each day next week.

Students should not come to school if they are sick, and should seek medical advice or call Healthline, 0800611116, if they have any COVID symptoms such as a runny nose, sore throat, fever, cough or sneezing.

Ngā manaakitanga

Lyndy Watkinson Principal


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