A very special ceremony was held at Government House on 28 January, for the presentation of the Sir George Elliot Tertiary Scholarships to three students - one of whom was from Avondale College. Hirimaia Eketone, who was an Avcol Deputy Prefect last year, and also the Avondale College Board of Trustees' Student Representative in 2020 and 2021, was awarded the prestigious scholarship by the Governor General, Dame Cindy Kiro.
Each year the Sir George Elliot Charitable Trust awards three Sir George Elliot Tertiary Scholarships worth $25,000 towards the cost of tertiary study.
Successful candidates must be able to demonstrate academic achievement, leadership in their school and wider community, and that they have overcome adverse life experiences to have attained those qualities. The scholarships are keenly contested each year. The Trust receives a large number of applications from which it short lists six candidates. The candidates who are shortlisted are all interviewed to determine the successful three.
Hirimaia will be attending Auckland University, where she is enrolled in a conjoint Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Music degree.