To make an enquiry or to apply for Avondale College's International programme, please click on the below links.
Updated 13 November 2024
2025 Term 1 (January) Intake
We are not accepting applications.
2025 Term 2 (April) Intake
We are accepting applications with a study duration of 6 months (2 terms) or longer.
2025 Term 3 (July) Intake
We are accepting applications with a study duration of 6 months (2 terms) or longer.
2025 Term 4 (October) Intake
We are accepting applications with a study duration of 6 months (2 terms) or longer.
For an up to date list of our fees, please click the relevant button below.
If the student needs Avondale College to arrange accommodation for them, please select Homestay Fees.
If the student plans on living with a parent, a relative or a family friend when they attend Avondale College, please select Designated Caregiver (DCG) Fees.
You can find our application and payment deadlines for 2025 below.
Payment of International student fees is due the 20th of the same month as the application deadline.
Details on how to pay international student fees to the school can be found on the bottom of the student invoice you will receive from the school.
If you have any queries regarding applications or payments, please contact the International Manager at intl@avcol.school.nz

To protect yourself from fraud and scams, be wary of paying through a third party, even if discounts are offered. Scammers may contact you on social media, or be recommended by a friend and offer a deal where you pay them a “discounted” amount and they will then pay the full amount to the School on your behalf.
There have been incidents in which scammers make payments to the institution using stolen credit cards and these payments are eventually declined. Victims in these situations lose the money they paid to the scammer and several weeks into semester students find out their fees are still outstanding.
To ensure you’re protected from scams, stay up to date with the latest warnings on Scamwatch.