18 August 2021
Dear Parents, Caregivers and Students
As you will be aware, today we learned that one of our staff members has contracted Covid-19 and that all staff and students of our College are considered to be close contacts.
Avondale College will remain closed until at least 31 August.
We understand that it's a very worrying time but are thankful that our school community is characterised by atawhai and care for one another. We know that the virus is the problem, not the people. The way forward is for us to continue to work as a community, both to follow the public health guidelines for Alert Level 4 and also to support each other.
Please follow carefully the instructions in the letter from ARPH (see website) about self-isolating and getting tested. I am aware that there were considerable delays for tests today, and I thank you for your patience in this regard. If you require additional health advice please call Healthline: 0800 358 5453 (a free, 24/7 service with interpreters available). You can also visit www.arphs.health.nz or www.covid19.govt.nz.
With today’s news, our focus has very much moved to the health and wellbeing of our communities, and school study has become secondary to this. School exams will not proceed next week, and students who are able to study should focus on homework, assessments and learning activities that they have been set in recent weeks. I anticipate that teachers will be in a position to provide Distance Learning next week.
Our Guidance Department staff and School Nurses are available, and their contact details are on our website and on the Student Hub. Any general concerns or questions about student wellbeing or school work should be directed to relevant Home Room teachers or Deans.
Further information will be shared with our community as soon as we receive it. My thoughts and best wishes are with the staff member concerned, and I thank them for acting responsibly and following all health advice. They are currently in good health.
Stay home and stay safe.
Best wishes
Lyndy Watkinson