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Important info on changes to NCEA

Due to the Covid-19 crisis and subsequent lockdown, students have experienced disruption to teaching, learning and assessments. NZQA and the Ministry of Education have developed a set of changes to NCEA in 2020 to address these impacts. These changes ensure both the integrity of the qualification and equity for students.

· NCEA exams have been put back by 10 days, and will now run from 16 November – 9 December. This allows for increased learning time for senior students.

· The deadlines for some portfolio based assessments have been delayed.

In addition NZQA will implement three key changes to NCEA and University Entrance (UE) requirements for 2020:

1. Students working towards an NCEA can gain additional credits, based on the number of credits they achieve during the 2020 school year. For every 5 credits a student achieves towards their NCEA either through internal or external assessment, they can be awarded an additional 1 credit. Students at NCEA Level 1 are eligible for up to a maximum of 10 additional credits while those at Levels 2 and 3 are eligible for up to a maximum of 8 additional credits. These will be known as Learning Recognition (LR) credits.

2. Students will be awarded a certificate endorsement if they achieve 46 credits at Merit or Excellence level, rather than the usual 50. Students achieving 12 credits at Merit or Excellence level in a course - rather than 14 - will be awarded a course endorsement.

3. Current UE requirements have been reduced from 14 to 12 credits in three UE- approved subjects. Students still need to attain NCEA Level 3 and meet literacy and numeracy requirements to be awarded University Entrance.

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