The Board of Trustees advises that we may have a small number of vacancies for out-of-zone students to start in Term Two.
The Board operates an enrolment scheme; therefore it is required to fill any vacant out-of-zone places by ballot.
The Board has determined that in Term Two there may be up to the following number of places for out-of-zone students: 10 Year 9 places; 5 Year 10 places; 5 Year 11 places; 10 Year 12 places and 5 Year 13 places.
Applications for places at any level must be received by 4pm on Thursday 1 April to be eligible for the ballots, and any applications already received will be included in the ballots.
If required, ballots will be held on 7 April.
Parents will be notified of the outcome within three days of the ballots.
Email: for more information