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School closure under Alert Level 3

Dear Parents and Caregivers,

Many of you will have heard the Prime Minister’s announcement this evening, that Auckland will be at COVID Alert Level 3 for the next three days.

Avondale College will be closed tomorrow, Tuesday and Wednesday (15-17 February inclusive).

Due to the change in alert levels all meetings and events scheduled over the next three days are cancelled. This includes the Avondale College Athletics Championships and Year 9 Parents Information Evening.

The next few days provide a good opportunity for students to review the course information and introductory work that they were given by their teachers last week.

Many teachers will make contact over the next few days with work for students to do at home. We realise that many Year 9 students may not yet be confident accessing our digital systems, so any work for them will be copied to their parent / caregiver email addresses.

Contact details for all of our teachers are on our website. The primary point of contact with school is through your child’s year level Dean.

Study and learning priorities for the next few days should be:

1. Review classwork from last week and make sure it is all complete.

2. Complete any homework or assignments that were set.

3. Check your school email for any work from your teachers. Some students may also have access to Microsoft Teams to complete school work.

4. Choose a book to read, for example the novel your English class is doing this year, or a book relevant to your study topics this year.

5. Do some exercise each day.

Children of essential workers in Year 9 and Year 10

The only students who may come onto the school site over the next three days are children of essential workers, who are in Year 9 and Year 10, and for whom no alternative care arrangements can be made.

· If your child needs to attend please email the relevant Deputy Principal:

Year 9 Mrs McNaughton

Year 10 Ms Joynes

· Students may not come to school if they are sick.

· Students attending school must wear a face mask. Physical distancing will be required both during class time and break times.

· Students must arrive by 9am, and they will be dismissed at 3pm.

· Students should report to the Attendance Office in E block.

· Students must bring their school books, stationery, lunch and a filled water bottle. The canteen will be closed.

· Students will be working independently in supervised classrooms, on work set by their class teachers or generic Year 9 and Year 10 learning. Their usual class teachers will not be at school.

Over the next few days we will carefully follow the most up-to-date advice and guidance from the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Education, so that we can confidently make informed decisions about our next steps. We will have the safety and wellbeing of our school community as a priority. Further information will be sent to students and their families using email and our school website.

I wish you all the best for the next few days. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or concerns.

Ngā mihi

Lyndy Watkinson



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