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Updated info re start of school

Dear Parents and Caregivers

I would firstly like to acknowledge the families in our Avondale College community who have been adversely affected by the recent flooding, power and water shortages - this has been a very challenging time for many and I hope that things are able to return to normal quickly for all. If your family has hardship around returning to school because of the flooding, please contact the dean of your child’s year group. Contact details are on our website.

Although the unexpected weather event has meant a change in the plan for our first week of school, we are looking forward to welcoming students to Avondale College next week. The following arrangements have been made.

Thursday 2 February and Friday 3 February

Teacher Only Days. The College Shop is open – see hours below. The school office is also open.

Tuesday 7 February

10:00am - Year 9 students meet in the Performing Arts Center (PAC), next to the main reception building, before meeting their home room teacher. A formal pōwhiri will take place in the Stadium at 12pm. Families are invited to join us for this pōwhiri, which will last for approximately 30 minutes. Day finishes at 3:15pm.

11:00am - Year 13 students meet in the Stadium. Day finishes at 3:15pm.

11:30am – New to Avondale College students, in Years 10-13, meet outside the main reception, before joining Year 9 students for the pōwhiri at 12pm. An orientation programme will follow the pōwhiri, with the day finishing at 3:15pm.

Wednesday 8 February

9:10am - Year 9 and Year 13 students meet in their home room class

10:00am - Year 12 students meet in the PAC

11:00am - Year 10 students meet in the Stadium

11:00am - Year 11 students meet in the PAC

School will finish at the usual time of 3:15pm.

Thursday 9 February & Friday 10 February

All students in normal timetabled classes (8:55am – 3:15pm).

College Shop

Our College Shop will open again for uniform sales from Thursday 2 February, with extended opening hours as follows:

Thursday 2 February: 10:00am – 4:00pm (Priority: Year 9 students)

Friday 3 February: 8:15am – 4:00pm (Priority: Year 9 students)

Tuesday 7 February:   8:15am - 4:00pm (Priority: Year 10-13 students)

Other Events

Our whole school athletics day will be moved to the following week, and girls' cricket and volleyball trials will be postponed, with a new date pending. More information about these and other events will be communicated once they have been finalised.

Take care and stay safe.

Ngā manaakitanga

Lyndy Watkinson PRINCIPAL T 09 828 7024 E


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