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Young Scholars gain university experience - and credits - in Y13!

Four Avondale College Year 13 scholars took the opportunity to sit a Stage One Psychology paper at the University of Auckland during the first half of the year, as part of the university's Young Scholars programme.

Isla Jack, April Taylor, Joel Ramsay and Mikaela Millwood, all Year 13 NCEA Psychology students, were invited to take part in the programme, which challenges and extends Year 13 students who have demonstrated exceptional academic ability, by studying part-time at the University of Auckland.

April, who achieved a B+ grade, said she found the Young Scholars programme to be an exciting challenge.

"The course material of the Psychology 108 paper was super interesting, and the higher standard placed by the university pushed me to be a better student. One of the most fulfilling aspects of  Young Scholars was meeting like-minded people who were interested in psychology and who were up for the challenge. Together we were able to go into the campus and join the lectures. I enjoyed the university atmosphere and could fit in like all the other first-year students."

Of course, the unexpected lockdown meant that the structure of the course changed to online learning, which brought its own challenges.

"Finding the balance of school, work and university was tricky," said April, "but with the support of my classmates and teachers at Avondale, it became more manageable. For any student looking for an extra challenge and a great introduction to the discipline and excitement of university life, I recommend this rewarding opportunity."

Young Scholars Joel Walsham and April Taylor


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