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And we're back! Students share their thoughts on being back at school

Reconnecting with friends, getting back into a routine, and having face-to-face interaction with teachers are some of the best parts of returning to school this week, according to an informal survey of a number of Avcol students today. Some expressed their underlying concerns around keeping healthy; others were actively minimising risks by wearing masks and making the most of the classroom hand-sanitiser supply. Many noted how significant the return is for their ongoing academic success.

Here's what some had to say:

"Reconnecting with teachers means assignments are easier to understand and complete." - Maddison

"I sometimes feel very wary when in a large group of students due to not knowing who they have been in contact with. The best thing about being at school is being able to do school work in class with the assistance of the teacher; and being able to see friends." - TJ

"I'm confident in the ability of the school to close and contact trace quickly and effectively if needed." - Aaron

"Working online was really challenging. Being back at school has been really good because I can communicate better with my teachers and fellow students." - Elizabeth

"I appreciate all the extra measures being taken to ensure our safety. Being at school means being able to get in-person support so that I can gain my 60 credits for Level 3 and UE." - Eleana

"The best thing is hanging out with my friends. Being back at school gives me more motivation to do work - teachers being there helps me to learn a lot more than I would at home." - Lauolive


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