Make your contribution to the College by participating in our student representative election.
Check that your name is on the roll in order to be nominated. The roll is now available from the Library. If you would like to find out more about being a Student Representative, take a look at the Student Trustee Guide in the Library.
Nominations open on Monday 02 August 2021; if you wish to stand for election and have checked your name is on the roll, visit the Library from Monday 31 July to complete a nomination form.
Key Dates:
Roll open for inspection in the Library: Friday 30 July
Call for nominations Monday 02 August
Supplementary roll closes: Wednesday 18 August
Nominations close: Friday 20 August
Voting papers distributed - available from your Home Room: Wednesday 25 August
Poll Closes: 12 noon, Monday 27 September
Election results: Tuesday 28 September
Candidate takes office: Wednesday 29 September
Nominations open on Monday 02 August of Term 3. If you are nominated, you will be contacted and invited to attend a meeting with the Principal and Board Chair to develop your statement. The option to submit a postal vote will be available. Please see your homeroom teacher with any questions and keep an eye on the Daily Notices for further information.