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Choosing subjects for 2023

Dear Students, Parents and Caregivers

The beginning of Term 3 is an important time in the school calendar, with all students from Years 9 – 12 choosing their subjects for 2023. In preparation for this, we invite you to look through our Academic Programme . This outlines all of the subjects available at Avondale College, along with the pre-requisites and other useful information. The Academic Programme is digital this year, and is available on our website. Please note the hyperlinks in the contents page to help you navigate the document.

In the first week of Term Three, students received an email with a link to select their subjects for next year. This process will be supported by their home room teacher, and needs to be completed by Monday 8 August. When each student completes their subject selection, parents and caregivers will receive an email requesting your approval. We would appreciate your timely support with this so that we can begin to construct our 2023 timetable.

Thank you for your support of Avondale College.

Yours sincerely


T 09 828 7024 E W Victor Street, Avondale, Auckland 1026, New Zealand


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