Tuesday 29 October: Arrangements for Junior Students – study day
Year 9 & 10 students will not come to school on this day. They will have a study day at home, to help with their exam preparations.
Tuesday 29 October: Arrangements for Senior Students
Year 11 & 12 NCEA students attend home room, periods 1 - 3 (as normal) and finish school at 12:30pm.
Year 13 NCEA students attend home room, periods 1 - 3 (as normal) and finish with an assembly (expected to finish at 12:45pm) and a supervised activity.
Senior Prizegiving - 5.30pm
Wednesday 30 October: Individualised Personalised Achievement Course (IPAC) begins
Senior NCEA students who need to gain final credits to achieve their year-appropriate qualification (or meet pre-requisites for 2025 courses of study), attend assembly in the PAC at 9:15am. Details will be sent to invited students and parents this week.
Wednesday 30 October until Monday 4 November: Junior exams
Year 9 & 10 students sit their end-of-year exams.
Tuesday 5 November until Friday 29 November: NCEA external examinations.
Senior NCEA students sit their external examinations. The examination timetable is attached. New Zealand Scholarship Examinations also take place.