26 August 2020
Dear Parents and Caregivers
I hope that you, your families and friends are staying well in your bubbles. Thank you to all of the families and students who are going to great efforts to support each other, and thank you for your ongoing efforts to support your children with Distance Learning.
Normal lessons will resume at 11.30am on Monday 31 August, when school reopens as Auckland moves to Alert Level 2. Students should report to their Home Room Class at 11.25am. Any student who needs to attend for the whole morning should report to the Attendance Office in E block at 8.50am.
I am confident that our systems and processes to manage the requirements of COVID-19 Alert Level 2 are well established. School has been thoroughly cleaned over the past week, and we will continue to prioritise hygiene, health and cleaning requirements. In regards to health, below you will find a letter from Auckland Regional Public Health which provides an update about the recent case of COVID-19.
Masks in schools are not required, but anyone who wants to wear one may do so if they wish. Bandanas may not be worn. Students / families may purchase masks at cost price in the College Shop (single use mask: 75c; reusable mask: $5).
Schools are not considered public places, and as such many of the Level 2 restrictions do not apply to us. We will follow our Alert Level 2 safety plan and adopt a ‘common sense’ approach, as we did when we returned to school at Level 2 in May:
· we will not have whole school assemblies
· where possible we will try to be one metre apart, with desks separated in class
· hand sanitiser and cleaning fluids will be easily available for all.
We are aware that having missed Term 3 exams during lockdown, senior students need opportunities to practise doing exam-style assessments, and to get the feedback that follows. These opportunities will be given within normal lesson times, and details will be provided by subject teachers and Directors. Teachers are committed to maximising students’ opportunities for success in their learning, assignments, assessments and exams over the next term and a half. If you have any questions or concerns, please speak to your child’s teacher or Dean.
There is a great deal of further information regarding the return to school in this week’s Heartbeat newsletter: click here to view.
We are very much looking forward to welcoming students back to school.
Yours sincerely
Mrs L Watkinson Principal