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Message from the Principal - Tues 24 Aug

Dear Students, Parents and Caregivers

Thank you for the incredible way that you have stepped up over the past week. In particular I thank our students for supporting each other through the challenges of the last few days, and for staying positive. Thank you to parents and caregivers for supporting your children to get tested, to cope with the stress of the week, and for helping students to get started with Distance Learning.

I am writing to provide clarity around a couple of things that have generated questions and concerns over the past few days.

Dates of ‘close contact’ at Avondale College

At the time of writing there have been two confirmed cases of COVID-19 associated with Avondale College. Across the two cases, the dates of concern in regards to ‘close contact’ are 12, 13, 16 and 17 August.

Testing at Avondale Racecourse

Thank you to all of our families who have gone to great efforts over the past few days to get tested. The testing centre at Avondale Racecourse has been set up and is being managed by Auckland Regional Public Health Service (ARPHS). Whilst it provides a service to our College, we are not able to allocate staff to support ARPHS at the facility, as we are also self-isolating at home. Any concerns about testing centres or the testing process should be directed through Healthline.

Testing dates for Avondale College

Please refer to the letter that we published for ARPHS on 20 August. All students and staff should have had at least one test by now. Our final test date is Sunday 29 August.

Anyone who has any symptoms of COVID-19 should immediately get tested.


Please refer to the letter that we published for ARPHS on 20 August. “Household members of close contacts must stay at home until the student or staff member has returned a negative day 5 test result, from a test taken [Friday] or on Saturday, Sunday or Monday (20-23 Aug).”

The advice regarding self-isolating at home is: “Self-isolation means staying at home and taking common sense precautions to avoid close contact with those you live with.” This will be different for different family situations, and may depend on the age of the child concerned. If you have particular concerns about your family situation please call Healthline 0800 358 5453 (a free, 24/7 service with interpreters available).

I realise that some of the information that families have been given by call centre staff has not been consistent with the above information, or with the letter published on 20 August. Please be assured that the information we are publishing to our community has been approved by medical staff at ARPHS who are working closely on the Avondale College situation.

Student wellbeing and Distance Learning

If you have particular concerns for your child’s wellbeing please contact their Home Room teacher, Dean or one of our Guidance team in the first instance.

Questions or concerns about Distance Learning should be directed to the class teacher or Director of the department concerned.

All staff contact details are on our website.

Thank you for your ongoing support, and best wishes to all of your family.


Lyndy Watkinson PRINCIPAL


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