A stop-motion short film with a powerful message created by Year 13 student Malisha Munidasa during lockdown has won third place in a creative competition. The Kate Edger Educational Charitable Trust challenged students in Years 12 and 13 to put together a piece of writing, art, poetry, photo or video that explored the idea of 'rising above the limits'.
"While currently we might feel that our physical space has been limited, there are no limits to our spirit and imaginations!"
"My entry is about the mental struggles youth have during this lock-down," said Malisha. "Through a stop-motion video I wanted to convey the idea that we all can Stop, Think and Reflect and let go of our negative feelings and have a more positive outlook on life."
The competition judges said they faced difficult choices with such a wide range of wonderful and imaginative entries. "The competition showed the value of the creative arts in dealing with adversity and challenges. It also demonstrated how a creative and optimistic spirit was unleashed in many people during lockdown. We hope all those who entered will continue to use their creativity and imaginations to ‘Rise Above the Limits’!"