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Te wiki o te reo Māori

Nau mai, haere mai ki te wiki o te reo Māori mō tēnei tau, te tau 2021. Welcome to this year's Māori language week. In 2021 Te Wiki o te Reo Māori will be 13-19 September. Māori Language Week has been celebrated each year from 1975 on 14 September, and commemorates the presentation of the 1972 Māori language petition to parliament.

Kia kaha te reo Māori ‘Kia kaha’ is well understood in New Zealand English with its meaning of ‘be strong’. We often talk about languages as if they are people – talking about language health, strength and revitalisation. So when we say ‘Kia kaha te reo Māori’ we’re saying - ‘Let’s make the Māori language strong'. The Māori Language Moment is an amazing and simple way to celebrate, you can find the info on how to join here. This is a national activity and currently 192,293 people are taking part!!

Join the Avcol group by using this link:

At 12pm on Tuesday 14 September, we're encouraging all of New Zealand to stop and take a moment for te reo Māori. Your moment can be as simple or as hard as you want it to be. You can do it on your own, or with your flatmates, workmates or whānau! Sing a song, get everyone together to learn their mihi using our video, or even use Māori sign offs in the office for the day.

At this website you can find a blurb from The Māori Language commission about our reo. There is also a link to some resources at the bottom of the page that you can use. Te Wiki o te Reo Māori » Te Taura Whiri i te Reo Māori Also there is an amazing website called Ako Panuku, they are running great activities this week for te wiki o te reo Māori:

  1. He Panga - Brain-teasing riddles to promote a fun way of engaging with te reo Māori.

  2. Kupu Whīwhiwhi - Tantalising tongue-twisters to test pronunciation skills.

  3. Whakapakari Reo - Activities to strengthen language use, accuracy and fluency.

  4. Hangarau Hikohiko - ‘Tech tips’ to explore the use of technology to strengthen te reo Māori skills.

Here is how to access them, its easy and free! It will come up with a interactive poster that you can click on, there is a little tap on the right so you can change the language to English if you need to!

- Ms Ngarama Howell, HOD Māori, Avondale College


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